Venu Naturopathy


Allen David Simon

Allen David Simon

About Allen David Simon

More From Allen David Simon

Women beyond their Dalit identity: A feminist moment beyond caste in India

The practices of wearing vermillion on her forehead, a ‘mangalsutra’ (auspicious thread worn by married women in their husband’s name) around her neck, a ‘laal bindi’ (red dot sign that a woman is married) and changing her name to include the name and/or the surname of her patriarch. The claims of patriarchal superiority thus…

Sustaining democracy and development in Jammu & Kashmir: Looking beyond the 2024 elections

The thrust cannot simply lay on maintaining security in the region, but also a complete transformation of relations. This requires a reconciliation between the Hindus and Muslims of the region who have suffered through communal violence. The de-essentialization of religious identity is crucial in building fraternity and retaining long term…

Securitization of the South Asian refugee: Where national security trumps human security

While the South Asian states securitize, local politics has often scapegoated refugee populations, turning majority insecurities into electoral capital – a fear that refugees’ encroachment  on physical and political spaces, jobs, land, corner welfare resources meted out by the state and place undue pressures on infrastructure; acase in point…